Friday, 8 October 2010

Onions, onions, anyone want to buy my loveeerrrly onions?

Monday 4th October, 2010

Today is market day and all on my own I have to purchase some veg. I have written my shopping list in Spanish - that way I won't forget the words when it comes to the all-important transaction. But first there are a whole host of other things I 'must' do such as walk the dogs, give the dogs Front-line (to combat ticks and fleas), complete the Sopa de letras (word search) which will teach me some new words, mop the floor, have a shower... Eventually, I run out of excuses and head into town.

The market is a 3 stall affair - little wonder it isn't advertised. Ignoring the two stalls of non-too-stylish-clothing I hover indecisively whilst the local women purchase their goods. This is the stuff of nightmares for me; I may appear confident but inside fear is eating away at my nerves leaving them frayed. Finally my go, and by golly it's not too bad! An English couple behind me are also having a crisis of confidence. Kindred spirits we bond with nervous smiles - but my part is over and feeling quite pleased with myself I wend my way home.

Next to organise is broadband connection. This also goes surprisingly well and it is booked for the next day. I can't get over this, 2 successes in one day - crack open the champers! Revelling in my success I look at the scribbled veg receipt in my purse - €2.75. This seems cheap; I may be looking through rose-tinted spectacles but a kilo of spuds, 2 avocados, 1 pepper, 3 onions and a cucumber - for that price!

Charlie has created a new sport – cicada hunting. Good for carrying in the mouth until they try and hop, should he catch one, it is hours of pre-bedtime fun.

I've decided on the basis of my writing plan. It is not light until 8.30ish, so I won't get up before then. I shall have cups of tea, walk the dogs and be at my desk no later than 10.30. I will write a minimum of 1,000 words per day. That does not sound much (it isn’t really) but I am here for 300+ days, so that is at least 3 books. On top of that I will try and get some freelance writing work to bring in the cash. This will all begin on Wednesday; tomorrow is my last day of lazing about.


My tether is quite short and I’m nearing the end of it as far as these blasted wasps are concerned. I have neutralised all nests I can find but they are still out there in numbers. Search and destroy, that’s my mission.

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